What is Chatonai?
Try ChatonaiChatGPT for Search Engines - Chatonai is a browser extension that allows you to access the ChatGPT language model directly from your search engine results. It enhances your search experience by providing natural language responses alongside the results.
- Direct Integration: Display ChatGPT responses alongside Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and other search engine results.
- Code Syntax Highlighting: ChatGPT's responses include syntax highlighting for code, making technical information easier to read and understand.
- Trigger Settings: Choose how to trigger ChatGPT, including manual, always, or using a question mark.
- Dark Theme: Enjoy a darker interface with the extension's dark theme option.
- Popup and Standalone Page: Access ChatGPT as a convenient popup window within your browser or as a standalone page.
- Ask Anything, Anywhere: Ask ChatGPT any question, anytime, and from anywhere within your browser.
- Right-Click Integration: Simply right-click on selected text to send it to ChatGPT as a prompt.
How to use it?
- Install the ChatGPT for Search Engines - Chatonai extension on your preferred browser.
- Perform a search on your preferred search engine.
- ChatGPT responses will be displayed alongside the search results.
- Click on a prompt or enter your own question or query.
- ChatGPT will provide a natural language response to your query.
Published on Feb. 5, 2024