
Grow on TikTok & Instagram with your Youtube videos.

What is ClipMaker?

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ClipMaker is a platform that utilizes AI technology to transform YouTube videos into short clips for TikTok and Instagram. It helps content creators grow their audience on these platforms by repurposing their existing YouTube content.


  1. AI-Generated Clips: ClipMaker uses AI to analyze YouTube videos and generate short clips based on the video content, saving creators hours of manual editing.
  2. Template Library: Users can choose from a library of templates or create their own, ensuring consistency in branding across their clips.
  3. Subtitles for Engagement: The platform automatically generates subtitles for the clips, increasing engagement by 50%.
  4. Auto-Scheduling: ClipMaker offers an auto-schedule feature that creates and schedules clips for each new YouTube video, allowing creators to grow their TikTok and Instagram accounts effortlessly.
  5. Example Gallery: Users can check out examples of clips created by other creators, offering inspiration and ideas for their own content.

Use Cases:

  • Content Creators: YouTube creators can leverage ClipMaker to repurpose their videos into short clips for TikTok and Instagram, expanding their reach and growing their audience on these platforms.
  • TikTok Growth: By using existing YouTube content, creators can quickly grow their TikTok following and take advantage of the platform's popularity.
  • Instagram Brand Awareness: ClipMaker helps improve brand awareness on Instagram by repurposing YouTube videos into engaging clips, attracting new followers and increasing engagement.
  • Time-Saving Editing: Content creators can save time on manual editing by utilizing ClipMaker's AI-generated clips, allowing them to focus on creating more content.
  • Cross-Platform Promotion: ClipMaker enables creators to promote their YouTube channel on TikTok and Instagram, driving traffic and attracting new subscribers to their main content platform.
Published on Jan. 25, 2024