Publish and manage your email newsletter with ease. Try Mailbob
What is Mailbob?
Try Mailbob

Mailbob is an email newsletter platform designed to simplify the process of creating and sending newsletters. It offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features to help individuals and businesses effectively connect with their audience. With Mailbob, users can easily create and publish newsletters using a streamlined block editor that makes the process as simple as sending an email.

The platform provides analytics tools to track audience engagement without the need for advanced data science knowledge. Users can also grow their subscriber base by utilizing hosted subscription forms and widgets that can be easily integrated into their website or blog. Importing existing contacts is made easy as well.

Customization options are available to tailor the newsletter to fit the user's brand. Users can choose from various branding styles and options, and even bring their own domain for a more personalized touch. For developers, Mailbob also offers a REST API and an Embed SDK, allowing for more complex integrations and providing developer support when needed.

Published on Jan. 13, 2024