
Increase your revenue, reduce costs and cut down risk. Try Paddle

What is Paddle?

Try Paddle

Paddle is a comprehensive platform that offers a complete solution for handling payments, tax compliance, and subscriptions for SaaS (Software as a Service) businesses. It simplifies and automates billing operations, reduces risk, and helps you optimize revenue generation.


  1. Billing: Paddle provides a complete billing solution for digital products, handling payments, tax compliance, subscription management, and more.
  2. ProfitWell Metrics: Access accurate and accessible revenue reporting specifically designed for subscription and SaaS companies. It's a free tool provided by Paddle.
  3. Price Intelligently: As the world's leading SaaS pricing experts, Paddle utilizes data analysis and methodologies to deliver insights and help businesses solve their unique pricing challenges.
  4. Retain: This feature offers a smarter way to recover failed payments, automatically increasing customer retention by recovering failed card payments.

Use Cases:

  • Launching your SaaS business: Paddle helps you establish a robust payment infrastructure and manage subscriptions effectively.
  • Selling your SaaS globally: Paddle handles tax compliance and provides localized checkout options, enabling you to expand your business internationally.
  • Introducing product-led growth: Paddle's tools and features support product-led growth strategies, helping you acquire and retain customers.
  • Unifying your revenue data: Paddle reconciles your revenue data across billing and payment methods, providing a holistic view of your financial performance.
  • Preparing for funding, IPO, or exit: Paddle's comprehensive solutions and accurate reporting make your business investment-ready.
Published on Jun. 23, 2024