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R Discovery

Your #1 AI companion for literature search! Try R Discovery
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What is R Discovery?
Try R Discovery
R Discovery is a research reading platform that provides access to over 115 million academic research papers, offering personalized recommendations and a seamless research reading experience.

  1. Personalized Recommendations: Effortless research reading with personalized recommendations based on your interests.
  2. Smart Search: Robust AI algorithm scans the database to identify and prioritize relevant academic research papers.
  3. Organize and Collaborate: Collaborate on shared reading lists and automatically sync your library with reference managers.
  4. Reading Experience: Enjoy a simple social media-style reading feed that delivers personalized recommendations.
Use Cases:

  • Literature Search: Simplify literature search and research reading for students and researchers.
  • Stay Updated: Stay updated on the latest, most relevant academic research in your field.
  • Research Projects: Find relevant academic research papers for your research projects.
  • Academic Reading: Access a vast repository of scholarly content for reading and exploration.
Published on Jan. 29, 2024