
Get console errors right on your page. PREMIUM PRODUCT

What is toast.log?

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toast.log is a browser extension that allows you to easily monitor and track console errors, warnings, and logs directly on your webpage. By displaying notifications in a unique toast format, toast.log helps you quickly identify and fix bugs that you may have overlooked. With its real-time updates and comprehensive features, toast.log enhances your debugging experience and saves you valuable time.


  1. Real-Time Notifications: Receive immediate notifications for console errors, warnings, and logs as they occur on your webpage.
  2. Error Tracing: Easily identify the file name and line number causing the error for efficient debugging.
  3. Search Functionality: Search through your logs using keywords or specific text to quickly find relevant information.
  4. Customizable Options: Adjust font size, opacity, border-radius, and more to personalize your toast notifications.
  5. Expandable Arrays, Objects, and JSON: View arrays, objects, and JSON data in an expandable format to debug long logs more effectively.
  6. Network Requests: Monitor all network requests made by your webpage, including URLs, methods, and responses.
  7. SEO Issue Detection: Identify SEO-related issues, such as missing "alt" attributes on images or missing meta tags, that could affect your website's ranking on search engines.

Use Cases:

  • Web Developers: Easily track and debug console errors and warnings during development without the need to constantly open the browser's console.
  • Quality Assurance: Monitor the occurrence of errors and logs on your webpage to ensure a smooth user experience and identify potential issues.
  • SEO Optimization: Detect and resolve SEO-related issues that may impact your website's search engine ranking.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use toast.log to gather valuable insights from logs and errors, allowing you to continuously improve your website's performance and user experience.

How to use it?

  1. Install the toast.log browser extension on Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.
  2. Enable toast.log on the desired website or specific domain addresses.
  3. Navigate your webpage as usual, and toast.log will display console errors, warnings, and logs as toast notifications directly on the page.
  4. Click on the notifications to view additional details, such as error traces and network requests.
  5. Customize toast.log settings to match your preferences and filter the types of notifications you want to receive.

In Summary

toast.log is a powerful browser extension that provides a convenient way to monitor and debug console errors, warnings, and logs directly on your webpage. With its real-time notifications, error tracing, search functionality, and other comprehensive features, toast.log enhances your debugging workflow and helps you improve the quality and performance of your website. Install toast.log today and catch bugs before your customers do.

Published on Mar. 12, 2024