The Front-End Checklist
The Front-End Checklist Application is perfect for modern websites and meticulous developers! Try The Front-End Checklist
What is The Front-End Checklist?
Try The Front-End Checklist

The Front-End Checklist website is a comprehensive tool and resource for front-end developers to ensure they follow best practices and implement essential elements in their web projects. It provides a checklist of items covering various aspects of front-end development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, performance optimization, SEO, accessibility, security, and more.

The checklist is divided into different sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of front-end development. Each item in the checklist is accompanied by a brief description, documentation links, and tools that can be used to achieve the recommended practices. Developers can expand or collapse each section to view the details and check off completed items.

Published on Nov. 19, 2023