EDITORS' CHOICEBlock ads on YouTube and your favorite sites with a Chrome-compatible adblocker.
Try AdBlock
What is AdBlock?
Try AdBlockAdBlock is a popular ad-blocking extension available on the Chrome Web Store, designed to eliminate disruptive ads across various websites. Trusted by over 60 million users worldwide, AdBlock not only blocks traditional ads but also protects users from malicious content and tracking.
- Comprehensive Ad-Blocking: Blocks pop-ups, banners, and video ads on various websites.
- Privacy Protection: Disables third-party tracking to enhance user privacy.
- Enhanced Security: Reduces exposure to malicious ads and potential scams.
- Customization Options: Offers advanced filters, allowlists, and themes for personalization.
- Block Additional Distractions: Manage auto-play videos and animated GIFs.
- Hide Cookie Banners: Automatically removes cookie consent banners from websites.
- Sync Across Devices: Backup and sync custom rules across multiple devices.
- Swap Ads for Images: Replace ads with fun images to personalize browsing.
Published on Oct. 18, 2024