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An AI-powered spreadsheet plugin that brings ChatGPT to Google Sheets and Excel.

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What is Numerous.ai?

Try Numerous.ai

Numerous.ai is a powerful and user-friendly solution that brings the capabilities of ChatGPT, an AI language model, directly into Google Sheets and Excel. It allows you to leverage the power of AI for various tasks, right within your spreadsheet application.


  1. No API Keys: No need to hassle with API keys, simply set up the add-on and start using it.
  2. Easy to Use: Utilize the =AI function in any cell of your spreadsheet to access the AI capabilities.
  3. Get Help: Choose from email options or priority support for assistance and guidance.
  4. Built for Teams: Collaborate with your team on AI initiatives across your organization.
  5. US-based: The Numerous.ai team is based in San Francisco.
  6. Fast: Benefit from partnerships with AI providers to access top-tier performance.
  7. Cost-efficient: Avoid duplicate queries and use Numerous.ai as the most cost-effective way to leverage AI.
  8. Team Support: All members of your team can use the same plan.
Use Cases:

  • Research & Organize Digital Marketing Campaigns: Generate AdWords keywords, ad copy, Facebook campaign structures, ad titles, SEO content, and more to simplify your digital marketing campaigns.
  • Summarize, Categorize, Classify & Cleanse: Summarize articles, user surveys, social media content, and more. Classify content into categories and clean and normalize messy user input.
  • Test & Collaborate on AI Prototypes: Test out ChatGPT prompts, explore how AI can enhance your work, and share results with your team. Ideal for prototyping AI features.
  • Ideate & Create Content: Generate topic ideas and create content based on those topics, all from a single prompt.
How to use it?

  1. Install the Numerous.ai add-on for Google Sheets or Excel.
  2. Use the =AI function in any cell of your spreadsheet to access the AI capabilities.
  3. Explore the various features offered by Numerous.ai, such as research, summarization, classification, testing, and content generation.
  4. Collaborate with your team on AI initiatives and streamline your workflow within your spreadsheet application.
Published on Jun. 8, 2024