OneLook Thesaurus
EDITORS' CHOICEGet related words by just describing what you're looking for in plain terms.
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What is OneLook Thesaurus?
Try OneLook ThesaurusOneLook Thesaurus and Reverse Dictionary is a comprehensive online tool designed to help users discover words, phrases, and concepts related to their search queries. It allows users to input single words, phrases, or even entire sentences to find synonyms, antonyms, and related terms, offering a flexible approach to enhance vocabulary and writing.
- Synonym and Antonym Search: Quick access to synonyms and antonyms for any word.
- Reverse Dictionary: Find words based on their definitions or descriptions.
- Advanced Filters: Narrow results by starting letters, syllable counts, and more.
- Pattern Matching: Use wildcards to search for words with specific letter patterns.
- Topic Organization: Explore words categorized by subjects like emotions, actions, and more.
- Sorting Options: Reorder results by relevance, length, popularity, and formality.
Published on Dec. 2, 2024