What is Fluently.so?
Try Fluently.soFluently is an online platform that helps you improve your writing in any foreign language. It offers a distraction-free editor with a multilingual translator, grammar checker, and synonym library, empowering you to write with confidence and accuracy.
- Distraction-free Editor: A minimalistic and easy-to-use rich text editor that allows you to focus on your content.
- Side-by-side Translator: Write on the left side of the screen and translate on the right, with accurate neural machine translations available in multiple languages.
- Multilingual Grammar Checker: LanguageTool integration provides style, grammar, and spell checking in 42 languages simultaneously.
- Multilingual Synonym Library: Receive suggestions to improve your content's wording in 21 languages by double-clicking on a word.
- Additional Mini-Translator: Translate paragraphs from a third language and add them to your original document.
- Dark Mode: Stay focused and comfortable with a beautiful dark mode.
Use Cases:
- Writers: Perfect for writers who work in multiple languages simultaneously, helping them enhance the quality of their content.
- Marketers and Copywriters: Ideal for localizing content and ensuring accuracy in marketing materials.
- Students: Great for students studying in a foreign language, assisting with essays and academic writing.
- Business Owners and Professionals: Useful for writing professional emails, translating product information, and communicating across multiple languages.
- Customer Service Representatives: Helps answer questions and provide support in multiple languages.
- Professional Translators: Provides accurate translations and aids in delivering high-quality work to clients.
Pricing Plans
Fluently offers three interval options for its pricing:
- Monthly: €12 per month - This plan allows you to access all the features of Fluently for a monthly subscription fee of €12.
- Quarterly: €27 per quarter (€9 per month) - With the quarterly plan, you pay €27 every three months, which averages out to €9 per month. This plan provides you with access to all features of Fluently.
- Yearly: €72 per year (€6 per month) - The yearly plan offers the best value, with a one-time payment of €72 for the entire year, averaging out to just €6 per month. This plan gives you full access to all the features of Fluently.
In Summary
Fluently is the ultimate tool for writing fluently in any foreign language. With its comprehensive features, it enables you to focus on your content while providing accurate translations, grammar checking, and synonym suggestions.
Whether you're a writer, student, marketer, or business professional, Fluently empowers you to improve your writing skills and communicate effectively in any language.
Published on Feb. 2, 2024