The Google Cemetery
Explore a complete list of dead Google products/ services, when and why they died.
Try The Google Cemetery
What is The Google Cemetery?
Try The Google CemeteryThe Google Cemetery is an online repository detailing the various Google products and services that have been discontinued since 2006. It provides users with insights into the lifespan of these products, including their launch and death dates, along with reasons for their discontinuation.
- Comprehensive Database: An extensive list of dead Google products categorized by year and type.
- Search Functionality: Easily search for specific products by name or category.
- Death by Year: View a timeline of product discontinuations by year.
- Product Details: Each product entry includes the name, type, and reason for discontinuation.
- Alternative Suggestions: Recommendations for alternative products to replace discontinued services.
- Email Notifications: Option to sign up for updates about new product discontinuations.
- Categorization: Products are organized into categories such as API, Apps, Hardware, OS, SaaS, Services, Social, and Software.
Published on Nov. 5, 2024